====== Getting started ====== **Note**: the map data is due to revision in fall 2018. Check this page for any updates. ===== How to add Anglova Scenario to SDT3D ===== - Download and extract sdt3d package - Extract ''%%worldwind.jar%%'' package maintaining hierarchy - Edit file config/worldwind.layers.xml by adding line along similar lines (e.g. after OpenStreetMap) ''%%%%'' - Copy ''AnglovaScenario.xml'' from {{ :map:anglovascenario.zip |zip archive}} into ''%%config/Earth/%%'' folder. - Update / add above files into ''%%worldwind.jar%%'' (or repack whole hierarchy) - Start sdt3d ===== How to add Anglova Scenario to GIS software as WMS layers ===== WMS service endpoint is at https://wms.anglova.net/wms. The Service is running mapproxy version 1.9, so it supports WMS 1.0.0, 1.1.1, and 1.3.0. There are two layers available: * ''%%ist124%%'' that provides the Anglova Scenario mapping information * ''%%osm%%'' provides standard OpenStreetMap rendering For previous instructions the domain name will change from ''%%cnict.org%%'' to ''%%anglova.net%%'' in ''%%AnglovaScenario.xml%%''. The older URL still works identically. ===== How to use tile map service ===== Map is also available as standard tile map service. The URL follows standard format https://tile.site.example/Z/X/Y.png where ''%%tile.site.example%%'' is ''%%tile.anglova.net%%''. If you have a software that uses OpenStreetMap tiles, just replace ''%%tile.openstreetmap.org%%'' with ''%%tile.anglova.net%%''. Map preview is available at [[https://tile.anglova.net]].