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papers:start [2021-09-03 14:16] – [2020] Markus Peuhkuripapers:start [2022-12-07 16:45] (current) Markus Peuhkuri
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-====== Papers where scenario has been referenced ======+====== Publications where the Anglova scenario has been referenced ====== 
 +If some publication is missing from this list or you notice an error, plese send [[|email]]. 
 +^  Year  ^  Publications^ 
 +|  2017  |  3| 
 +|  2018  |  13| 
 +|  2019  |  18| 
 +|  2020  |  6| 
 +|  2021  |  18| 
 +|  2022  |  10| 
 +|  Total  |  68|
-If some publication is missing from this list, plese send [[|email]]. 
 ===== 2017 ===== ===== 2017 =====
Line 91: Line 101:
 ===== 2021 ===== ===== 2021 =====
 +Andersen, H. M., Flytør, B. F., Onsøyen, E., Holmen, E. T., Sølvberg, N., Haugan, T. S., ... & Johnsen, F. T. (2021). NATO Federated Coalition Cloud with Kubernetes: A National Prototype Perspective.
 Bent, G., Rahimi, A., Karunaratne, G., Millar, D., Roy, K., Simpkin, C., ... & Sebastian, A. (2021, April). Energy efficient'in memory'computing to enable decentralised service workflow composition in support of multi-domain operations. In //Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Multi-Domain Operations Applications III// (Vol. 11746, p. 117461Q). International Society for Optics and Photonics. Bent, G., Rahimi, A., Karunaratne, G., Millar, D., Roy, K., Simpkin, C., ... & Sebastian, A. (2021, April). Energy efficient'in memory'computing to enable decentralised service workflow composition in support of multi-domain operations. In //Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Multi-Domain Operations Applications III// (Vol. 11746, p. 117461Q). International Society for Optics and Photonics.
Line 97: Line 109:
 Fogli, M., Kudla, T., Musters, B., Pingen, G., Van den Broek, C., Bastiaansen, H., ... & Webb, S. (2021, May). Performance Evaluation of Kubernetes Distributions (K8s, K3s, KubeEdge) in an Adaptive and Federated Cloud Infrastructure for Disadvantaged Tactical Networks. In //2021 International Conference on Military Communication and Information Systems (ICMCIS)// (pp. 1-7). IEEE. Fogli, M., Kudla, T., Musters, B., Pingen, G., Van den Broek, C., Bastiaansen, H., ... & Webb, S. (2021, May). Performance Evaluation of Kubernetes Distributions (K8s, K3s, KubeEdge) in an Adaptive and Federated Cloud Infrastructure for Disadvantaged Tactical Networks. In //2021 International Conference on Military Communication and Information Systems (ICMCIS)// (pp. 1-7). IEEE.
 +Fogli, M., Pingen, G., Kudla, T., Webb, S., Suri, N., & Bastiaansen, H. Towards a COTS-Enabled Federated Cloud Architecture for Adaptive C2 in Coalition Tactical Operations: A Performance Analysis of Kubernetes. In //MILCOM 2021-2021 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM)// (pp. 225-230). IEEE.
 Jansen, N., Manso, M., Toth, A., Chan, K. S., Bloebaum, T. H., & Johnsen, F. T. (2021, May). NATO Core Services profiling for Hybrid Tactical Networks—Results and Recommendations. In //2021 International Conference on Military Communication and Information Systems (ICMCIS)// (pp. 1-8). IEEE. Jansen, N., Manso, M., Toth, A., Chan, K. S., Bloebaum, T. H., & Johnsen, F. T. (2021, May). NATO Core Services profiling for Hybrid Tactical Networks—Results and Recommendations. In //2021 International Conference on Military Communication and Information Systems (ICMCIS)// (pp. 1-8). IEEE.
-Maret, Y., Wagen, J. F., Raza, M., Wang, J., Bessis, N., & Legendre, F. (2021, May). Preliminary results of OLSR based MANET routing algorithms: OLSRd2-Qx reinforcement learning agents and ODRb. In 2021 International Conference on Military Communication and Information Systems (ICMCIS) (pp. 1-8). IEEE.+Komulainen, A., Grönkvist, J., & Sterner, U. Multi-Channel Cooperative Broadcast for Narrowband Tactical Networks. In //MILCOM 2021-2021 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM)// (pp. 696-702). IEEE. 
 +Maret, Y., Wagen, J. F., Raza, M., Wang, J., Bessis, N., & Legendre, F. (2021, May). Preliminary results of OLSR based MANET routing algorithms: OLSRd2-Qx reinforcement learning agents and ODRb. In //2021 International Conference on Military Communication and Information Systems (ICMCIS)// (pp. 1-8). IEEE
 +Möhlenhof, T., Jansen, N., & Rachid, W. Reinforcement Learning Environment for Tactical Networks: Multi-Agent based Scenario Generation.
 Preece, A. D., Braines, D., Cerutti, F., Furby, J., Hiley, L., Kaplan, L., ... & Xing, T. (2021, April). Coalition situational understanding via explainable neuro-symbolic reasoning and learning. In //Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Multi-Domain Operations Applications III// (Vol. 11746, p. 117461X). International Society for Optics and Photonics. Preece, A. D., Braines, D., Cerutti, F., Furby, J., Hiley, L., Kaplan, L., ... & Xing, T. (2021, April). Coalition situational understanding via explainable neuro-symbolic reasoning and learning. In //Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Multi-Domain Operations Applications III// (Vol. 11746, p. 117461X). International Society for Optics and Photonics.
Line 107: Line 125:
 Rettore, P. H., Loevenich, J., Lopes, R. F., & Sevenich, P. (2021). TNT: A tactical network test platform to evaluate military systems over ever-changing scenarios. Rettore, P. H., Loevenich, J., Lopes, R. F., & Sevenich, P. (2021). TNT: A tactical network test platform to evaluate military systems over ever-changing scenarios.
 +Schütz, B., Thieme, S., Fuchs, C., Weber, D., & Aschenbruck, N. Network Coding-based Multi-Path Forward Erasure Correction for Tactical Scenarios. In //MILCOM 2021-2021 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM)// (pp. 939-944). IEEE.
 Sridharan, V., Motani, M., Jalaian, B., & Suri, N. (2021, May). Fountain Coding for Information Protection in Tactical Networks. In //2021 International Conference on Military Communication and Information Systems (ICMCIS)// (pp. 1-8). IEEE. Sridharan, V., Motani, M., Jalaian, B., & Suri, N. (2021, May). Fountain Coding for Information Protection in Tactical Networks. In //2021 International Conference on Military Communication and Information Systems (ICMCIS)// (pp. 1-8). IEEE.
 Suri, N., Breedy, M., Fronteddu, R., Morelli, A., Cramer, E., Nilsson, J., ... & Martens, A. (2021, May). Evaluating the Scalability of Group Communication Protocols over Synchronized Cooperative Broadcast. In //2021 International Conference on Military Communication and Information Systems (ICMCIS)// (pp. 1-9). IEEE Suri, N., Breedy, M., Fronteddu, R., Morelli, A., Cramer, E., Nilsson, J., ... & Martens, A. (2021, May). Evaluating the Scalability of Group Communication Protocols over Synchronized Cooperative Broadcast. In //2021 International Conference on Military Communication and Information Systems (ICMCIS)// (pp. 1-9). IEEE
 +Tortonesi, M., Breedy, M., Campioni, L., Cramer, E., Hansson, A., Morelli, A., ... & Suri, N. (2021, December). Evaluating the Impact of Jamming on Group Communication Protocols in Tactical Environments. In //MILCOM 2021-2021 IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM)// (pp. 677-683). IEEE.
 White, G., Conway-Jones, D., Chan, K., Preece, A., Harryman, J., & Cox, M. (2021, April). 3D simulation and scenario for AI research in multi-domain and coalition operations. In //Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Multi-Domain Operations Applications III// (Vol. 11746, p. 1174620). International Society for Optics and Photonics. White, G., Conway-Jones, D., Chan, K., Preece, A., Harryman, J., & Cox, M. (2021, April). 3D simulation and scenario for AI research in multi-domain and coalition operations. In //Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning for Multi-Domain Operations Applications III// (Vol. 11746, p. 1174620). International Society for Optics and Photonics.
 +Wigness, M., Pham, T., Russell, S., & Abdelzaher, T. (2021). Efficient and Resilient Edge Intelligence for the Internet of Battlefield Things. NATO S&T Journal.
 +===== 2022 =====
 +Barclay, I., Simpkin, C., Bent, G., La Porta, T., Millar, D., Preece, A., ... & Verma, D. (2022). Trustable service discovery for highly dynamic decentralized workflows. //Future Generation Computer Systems//, 134, 236-246.
 +Chan, K., Graves, E., Marcus, K., Moore, T., Perazzone, J., Scott, L., ... & Yu, P. Context-Aware Networking and Cybersecurity for Resilient Networking (Summary Technical Report, Oct 2017–Sep 2020).
 +Gavrilov, A., Bergaliyev, M., Tinyakov, S., Krinkin, K., & Popov, P. (2022). Using IoT Protocols in Real-Time Systems: Protocol Analysis and Evaluation of Data Transmission Characteristics. //Journal of Computer Networks and Communications//, 2022.
 +Grönkvist, J., Hansson, A., Hägglund, K., Komulainen, A., & Sköld, M. (2022). Low-altitude UAVs for significantly increased data rate in tactical ad hoc networks. //Procedia Computer Science//, 205, 107-116.
 +Hauge, M., Asprusten, M., Berg, T. J., & Bøhm, A. J. (2022). A Cloud-based experimentation and analysis framework for services at the tactical edge. //Procedia Computer Science//, 205, 147-156.
 +Lopatka, J., Paso, T., Massin, R., & Leturc, X. (2022). Multi band efficient networks for ad hoc communications. //Procedia Computer Science//, 205, 88-96.
 +Maret, Y., Raza, M., Legendre, F., Wang, J., & Bessis, N. (2022). Investigation of a GNN approach to mitigate congestion in a realistic MANET scenario. //Procedia Computer Science//, 205, 127-136.
 +Rupar, M. A., Larsen, E., Saglam, H. B., Savin, J. A., Peltotalo, S., & Gurdil, B. (2022). Scenarios for BLOS Connectivity. //Procedia Computer Science//, 205, 198-207.
 +Srinivasan, R., & Garcia-Luna-Aceves, J. J. TCP-RTA: Real-time Topology Adaptive Congestion Control Strategy in TCP.
 +Suri, N., in't Velt, R., Breedy, M., Cramer, E., Nilsson, J., Marcus, K. M., ... & Fronteddu, R. (2022). To Forward or not to Forward: Considerations on and Experiments with Network Layer Forwarding in Combination with Middleware Services for Group Communications. //Procedia Computer Science//, 205, 78-87.
  • papers/start.1630678571.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2021-09-03 14:16
  • by Markus Peuhkuri