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faq [2019-05-21 13:36] Markus Peuhkurifaq [2019-10-30 16:05] (current) – [My path loss calculation does not match] Markus Peuhkuri
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 ====== Frequenty asked questions  (FAQ) ====== ====== Frequenty asked questions  (FAQ) ======
-This page will be updated based on real questions.+This page will be updated based on real questions. 
 If you have some question that is not aswered in [[Documentation]] or in this page, you can ask your question below. Questions are moderated and the site admin is notified to approve them.  If you have some question that is not aswered in [[Documentation]] or in this page, you can ask your question below. Questions are moderated and the site admin is notified to approve them. 
-~~DISCUSSION~~+===== My path loss calculation does not match ===== 
 +The vignette 1-2 have been relocated to a different location to complement full scenario. Terrain at those coordinates does not match the original location where the pathloss were calculated originally. 
 +Coordinate transformation to the original Swedish location of the battalion scenario is as follows (in matlab notation): 
 +  * ''Olat  = Alat + 7.9133854851;'' 
 +  * ''Olon = (Alon - 7.88017769562444).*cosd(Alat)./cosd(Olat) + 23.0;'' 
 +where  ''(Alat, Alon)'' is the coordinates for the Anglova scenario, and ''(Olat, Olon)'' is 
 +the coordinates for the original Swedish scenario. 
 +All coordinates are given in WGS84 decimal degree (latitude, longitude) 
 +~~DISCUSSION|Questions and Discussion~~
  • faq.1558445766.txt.gz
  • Last modified: 2019-05-21 13:36
  • by Markus Peuhkuri