Show pageOld revisionsBacklinksExport to PDFODT exportBack to top This page is read only. You can view the source, but not change it. Ask your administrator if you think this is wrong. ====== Frequenty asked questions (FAQ) ====== This page will be updated based on real questions. If you have some question that is not aswered in [[Documentation]] or in this page, you can ask your question below. Questions are moderated and the site admin is notified to approve them. ===== My path loss calculation does not match ===== The vignette 1-2 have been relocated to a different location to complement full scenario. Terrain at those coordinates does not match the original location where the pathloss were calculated originally. Coordinate transformation to the original Swedish location of the battalion scenario is as follows (in matlab notation): * ''Olat = Alat + 7.9133854851;'' * ''Olon = (Alon - 7.88017769562444).*cosd(Alat)./cosd(Olat) + 23.0;'' where ''(Alat, Alon)'' is the coordinates for the Anglova scenario, and ''(Olat, Olon)'' is the coordinates for the original Swedish scenario. All coordinates are given in WGS84 decimal degree (latitude, longitude) ~~DISCUSSION|Questions and Discussion~~ faq.txt Last modified: 2019-10-30 16:05by Markus Peuhkuri